
Young Writers Society

London Aspen

About London Aspen

I do not fit in. I have not for a long time. My dad says that i'm wired a little different, but in a good way.
I am in a gifted program part time, but it is so boring I am annoyed whenever I have to go to it, which is every Thursday morning. My parents are divorced, and I see them both regularly. I have a particular interest in horses, that I've had since I was younger. I read all the time. I love to look up words in my thesaurus. It helps give me more options of what to say in my poems. I still need a dictionary and lots and lots of paper.


Horses, Piano, Reading, Writing

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.
— Genesis 3:19